Characteristics of students with learning difficulties in the area of cognitive awareness

Cognitive awareness is defined as the thinking, about stimuli or the trigger that students should pay attention to, what they have learned previously? and what can be applied in new situations or circumstances?

It can be demonstrated that there are cognitive awareness problems among people with learning difficulties, if they have difficulty in :

  • Using strategies effectively.
  • Organizing thoughts and opinions.
  • Applying previously learned information to new situations.
  • Development of effective reading and listening skills.
  • Taking notes and identifying the main ideas in the text.
  • Self-monitoring and performance evaluation.

Characteristics of students with learning difficulties in the area of information processing :
This area includes: attention; perception; short-term, long-term and working memory and feedback.

  • Short attention span.
  • Easily distracted.
  • Difficulty in identifying directions. Right-Left.
  • Difficulty interpreting facial expressions.
  • Sometimes they don’t remember concepts or information.
  • Cannot remember what they heard after a short while.
  • They repeatedly make the same mistakes.
  • They seem not to listen and to be daydreaming.
  • -They have difficulty following instructions.

Characteristics of students with learning difficulties in the area of communication :

The communication process includes the inputs, outputs and processing of ideas and information, or the exchange of ideas through speech, writing, symbols, or sign language:

  • They usually speak very loudly or very softly.
  • They turn one side of the head when they listen to someone speaking to them.
  • They ask to repeat the speech constantly.
  • They find it difficult to distinguish between sounds such as m/n, f/d, d/t.
  • They have difficulty mixing sounds.
  • They have difficulty understanding terminology and figurative language.
  • They frequently need questions or instructions to be rephrased.
  • They give inappropriate answers to questions asked to them, or their answers are irrelevant.
  • They have a specific expressive vocabulary.
  • They omit sounds from words, replace or add sounds.
  • They have difficulty finding words.
  • They show tension or movement in the face or body when they speak.
  • They have difficulty choosing a topic title in the written expression.
  • They have difficulty expressing their thoughts in writing.

Characteristics of students with learning difficulties in the academic field:

This field includes reading, written expression, spelling, and mathematics.

  • The propensity to get distracted while reading.
  • Signs of psychological tension when they are reading: rubbing eyes, yawning, bringing their heads close to the reading text.
  • Use their fingers to keep track of what they are reading.
  • Slow reading compared to their peers.
  • Are clearly careless when reading instructions.
  • Lack of understanding of written material.
  • Poor performance on written tests.
  • Inactive pen grip.
  • Slow, non-readable writing.

Characteristics of students with learning difficulties in the social/adaptation area:

  • They don’t accept their peers.
  • They are not able to make friends with their peers.
  • They tend to accompany adults rather than their peers.
  • They take little responsibility for their actions or behavior.
  • They have difficulty controlling their impulses.
  • They have low self-esteem and self-confidence levels.
  • They have difficulty reading non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions.